Spiritual Freedom
is Our Business
Welcome to the College of Experience!
Who are you?
Where did you come from?
Where are you going?
These Programs can help you unfold and clarify your life’s purpose. Once you better understand this, your experiences will begin to make sense.
Life is meant to be full of fun and exciting adventures.
Why not find out how great it really is?
Get Started with Wayshowers College
For over 60 years the programs, services, & products in the College have been helping people find answers to life’s mysteries.
Topics such as:
* The Real You * Fulfillment & Life Purpose * Life after Death * Your Relationship to the World * Balance of Thought & Feeling * The Law of Attraction * Spiritual Guidance or Angels * The Cycles of Life * 4 Gifts of Perception * and More …
It is about becoming a Leader of Yourself.
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